About Us

Band Booster Members

New Band Parents

Welcome to all new band parents!

Below you will find some FAQs regarding the Band Boosters and how you can become involved.

Booster Members

Who is a Band Booster?
All parents or legal guardians of children, who are currently enrolled in any of the Little Miami Band programs, are automatically considered a member of the Band Boosters.


What Can I Do?  
There are several things that you can do to be an active Band Booster parent.  One of the most important things you can do is attend Band Booster meetings.  These meetings are important for getting answers to your questions and voicing your concerns. Many important decisions are made at these meetings that require a vote be taken by the membership.  Additionally, help is always needed with chaperoning, concession stand, fund raising, and our annual Band Camp. Your volunteer support is also greatly appreciated at all football games, parades and band festivals. 


I Am New Band Parent -  Do You Really Need Me?
Regardless of your occupation or volunteer experience, consider many of the services you can offer to any Little Miami band & music programs.  It is important to get involved right away and support your student & his/her participation in a Little Miami band.  It is a lot of fun and you will make new friends and possibly form long lasting friendships. The more people involved with band program activities, the less tedious it is for one or two members to complete the tasks. In short, Yes! We really need you!


Why Are The Band Boosters Always Doing Fundraisers
Our fundraising dollars directly support all Little Miami band activities.  This includes the Intermediate & Junior High School bands, High School Band Marching Band, as well as High School concert & symphony bands.  The Little Miami High School Marching Band is only partially funded by the LMSD.  Band expenses include such things as sheet music, instruments, transportation, director's fees, uniforms, etc.  Our fundraisers help lower these costs for all of us involved.  This is why we welcome everyone's involvement in our fundraising activities.


A Closing Request:
Whether you choose to serve as an active Band Booster president or a cheering fan in the stands, the choice to support your child is something you will not regret.  If you are currently not an active member of the Little Miami Band Booster organization, we welcome your involvement.  We strongly welcome your help & support of our organization - it’s never too late to learn and volunteer.  If you are an active Band parent/Booster, on behalf of your child and all band members, we say THANK YOU!!

If you have any questions regarding our organization, please feel free to contact the Band Boosters.